Saturday, 12 July 2014


And so today is Saturday, and because today is Saturday, it means that I have lauched my second book, Rare Bits!
I have told as many friends, family and colleagues as possible that, if they are interested in buying the book, to please do so today. That way the book makes a impact in the Amazon charts and arouses interest from other potential readers.
I'm kind of nervous. Not because I'm worried whether people will buy the book or not. That's outside my control. There are so many available books that luck is needed for a new book to be even noticed. I've acccepted that my plan for world (or word) domination a long-term one (I'm joking).
No, I'm nervous to see how people respond to the book. I take pride in my writing and I know it can be really good. I'm confident that readers will enjoy the book, but still, its natural for some doubts to persist. Will they like it as much as Just a Bit of Banter, Like? Will they enjoy the variety of genre, or will it be too much to absorb in one book?
But then, I'm not looking for readers to love every story. I just want them to enjoy the book as a whole and to appreciate the writing and the imaginative storylines. As I said, I'm a work in progress.
On the other hand, forget all that! If you have purchased Rare Bits, I hope that you absolutely love the book!
Fingers (and toes) crossed.

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