Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Diet Coke

Now, I promise you, this really isn't interesting to anybody but me. I know this because I've told people before and I've marvelled at their lack of effort to even try and look interested.
For years now I've had a bit of a Diet Coke addiction. I try to make this sound more exciting than it is by saying things like 'I'm fighting the coke,' 'I'm a coke addict,' etc etc.
Now what fascinates me is that I can buy a 2 litre bottle of coke (yes not the medium big one but the real big one) for £1. And yet a 500ml bottle (yes those pixie little things) costs £1.15.
See, I told you! It really isn't interesting to anybody but me!!!


Don't get the wrong idea; by 'selfie' I don't mean anything exciting, just mean the craze where people take pictures of themselves and post them on social sites.
I am not sure if that is the correct spelling, but spell checker sure isn't coming up with any alternatives (hardly surprising, yeah?)
I can't say I have strong opinions of 'selfies' either way; they just tickle my fancy.
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, or is it the other way around?
Anyway, a lady (my mum doesn't like the word 'woman') will take a picture of herself, in my experience usually from a downwards angle, pouting her lips.
Other ladies will post comments along the lines of 'ooh, gorgeous,' 'looking stunning' and 'hey there, hot stuff.'
The lady in question will reply along the lines of 'awww, you really think so?'
A man will post a picture of himself casually trying to look sexy.
Other men will post comments along the lines of 'you look like a cock, mate.'
As I said, it just tickles my fancy.

Author Interview

I've had the privilege of conducting an interview with author Christoph Fischer. Christoph is a historic fiction author. His Three Nations Trilogy has received rave reviews and has made a real mark in the charts. His books will appeal to anybody and everybody who enjoys good writing, gripping plots and intrinsic attention to detail. Brought up in Germany, he now lives near Bristol with his welsh wife. I am welsh and now live in Birmingham with my English wife. Okay. Not quite as interesting, I know. But I love a link and I love people who have a story to tell. The interview will go live on Sunday.