Saturday, 8 February 2014

Short Story

I'm in the Birmingham Library, again. Paul Gascoine (I've had to check the spelling on google) said that the only place where he truly feels comfortable is on the football pitch. It is his arena. Where he belongs.
Is this guy really comparing himself to Paul Gascoine, you're asking?
Yeah, okay...I get you.
But I do feel comfortable in the library. People say why don't you lock yourself away in the house? I guess I am weak. If I am in the house I tend to get distracted. Before I know it I am watching a fascinating daytime documentary where a mother has run away with her daughter's boyfriend, or something. Oh hold on...or is that one of the video's I end up watching...?
If I am in the library I am there to write. I always get something completed. Some days I get a whole lot more done than other days, but that's the way it is. I get distracted here, too. Sometimes my capacity to get embroiled in the insignificant fascinates me. I've been watching the people sneak in and out of the disabled toilets. Some run in so not to be caught. And then they come out with a hobble. Must keep away if that's the effect they have.
But we all need breaks, otherwise your brain becomes frazzled.
This is a break, right now.
So what am I writing? I have taken a short step back from my novel. I am reflecting on what I've written so far. I am at a crossroads, as I really need to go back to Wales to do some more research. And that won't happen for a few weeks yet.
And so I am writing a few short stories.
I love short stories. Every word counts. You can make something out of nothing so quickly.
I'll send the stories off to some competitions, to some publishers, but even if they aren't taken on, I will publish them here. If somebody reads and enjoys them, then they have been worthwhile.
Right. Break over.
Speak soon.