Saturday 1 February 2014

Web site Launch

And so, on Saturday 1 February, I met up with Martyn Wakefield at Birmingham Library to set up a website. Martyn is a top bloke and a good pal and a dab hand, as he already runs his own website ( - check it out, hint hint - it really is great).
I definitely needed help. I am a technophobe (I hope spell-checker is working). I get confused because the TV has 3 remote controls. My brother bought me The Dummies Guide to Setting up Your Own Website for Christmas, but it was aiming for a much advanced readership. One day hopefully I'll advance to being a dummy.
So why have I set up a website?
Good question.
That's why I asked it.
My current book is set over three decades and three locations. It requires research, planing and editing. I want it to be just right and so it takes as long as it takes. Which is likely to be quite some time. It is important that I am not forgotten. And so I aim to write little snippets and short stories on this site. It will be fantastic to engage with readers and other writers, and this is a perfect forum. I aim to run author interviews, book reviews and book promotions. It is important to me to promote other authors as well as myself. I know how tough it is out there and if I think a book or author is good, I want readers to know about it.
Right. Now I need to save this. Where's Martyn when you need him...?